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​Why is it difficult to invest in Japan?

Real estate investment in Japan is very different from other countries in many ways.

It has characteristics unique to Japan in a wide range of fields, such as legal matters, taxation systems, and distribution markets.

Our company, which is a member of Japan Real Estate Association, we will explain four points to prevent overseas investors from failing in real estate investments.

playing in the river
​Point 1

​ Know the Real Estate Business Law

This law was enacted in 1952 to regulate transactions in residential land and buildings. In order to ensure the fairness of transactions of building lots and buildings, and to facilitate the distribution of building lots and buildings, regulations such as the licensing system for real estate brokers are in place.

This law aims to facilitate the distribution of residential land and buildings and protect the interests of real estate buyers by stipulating that real estate agents should not engage in illegal transactions.

By doing business with a reliable real estate broker, you can avoid losses due to illegally expensive properties, high fees, defective properties, etc.

​Point 2

Understanding the real estate market in Japan

Information is shared via the network system "Rains" for exchanging real estate property information.

It has the following features.

1. General people other than real estate brokers cannot access. However, only sellers who have entered into an intermediary contract to sell the property can view only their own property.

2. If the information of the property you want to sell is posted on REINS, you will be able to get more real estate brokerage companies to find the property, and you will be able to find a buyer faster.

3. By looking at the past transaction examples accumulated in REINS, you can understand the appropriate price.

​Successful real estate investment requires efficient real estate transactions in Japan with REINS.

Image by Louie Martinez
​Point 3

Avoid the risks of buying real estate in Japan

Defect warranty is a mechanism that guarantees repair costs when defects (defects) that have not been notified by the seller are found in the property that has been handed over.

In the sale and purchase of real estate, the seller is responsible to the buyer for defects called defect warranty liability, but the defect warranty allows a third party (guarantor company) to bear a certain amount of damage.

You can also reduce the risk by conducting a property appraisal before purchasing. A real estate appraisal is a real estate company's assessment of how much a property can be sold. You can avoid buying a property that is expensive from the market price.

​Point 4

Understand the strengths of the Japanese market

Real estate in Japan, especially in central Tokyo, is attracting the attention of foreign investors. I believe this is due to the following attractions of investing in Japan.

1. Low purchasing hurdles for foreigners

At present, there are no restrictions on the purchase of real estate by foreigners in Japan. Many countries have restrictions on purchases by foreigners.

2. Undervalued real estate prices

If you say that Japanese real estate is cheaper than foreign countries,

It is said. The average home purchase in Japan is about 5 times your annual income, but in many other Asian countries the average price is about 16 times your annual income. .

3. low country risk

Japan can be said to be a rare region in Asia that was rated as A rank with the lowest country risk. The risk of a radical collapse of the national system due to social conditions or the collapse of a long-term dictatorship, or a sudden change in the social situation due to ethnic conflicts, etc. is evaluated as extremely low.

The popularity of real estate investment is increasing due to soaring prices and inflation in Japan.​.

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